Christmas dinner digested

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By The Gut Health Doctor Team

Dr Megan Rossi in a lab looking through a microscope

Fancy a calorie-free Christmas? …Stop counting them!! Food is about enjoyment, tradition, culture and so much more.

Christmas dinner is one of my absolute favourites and it’s all about the sides for me.

Here’s your Christmas dinner… digested.


Potatoes –  Good source of potassium and great the next day for even more gut-loving resistant starch.

Brussels sprouts – A cruciferous veg for a prebiotic punch & 8g fibre.

Parsnips – Fibre-filled and a good source of vitamin C.

Carrots – Great source of vitamin A.

Cranberries – Rich in polyphenols (beneficial plant chemicals) with antioxidant powers.

Roast turkey – Good source of protein & vitamin B12.

Nut roast – Ultimate plant diversity with mushrooms, pulses, vege, nuts, seeds and grains to feed your ‘good’ gut bacteria. Check out my Festive Nut Roast recipe here.

Christmas pud – Dried fruit packed with prebiotics. If you want to make one yourself, try my quick-and-easy gut-loving Christmas pud recipe.

Chocolate – Great for my tastebuds – and some cocoa brain-boosting powers

Red wine (if you’re having some!) –  Topping up your polyphenols.

And if you’re feeling a little gassy after yours, just know that’s your gut microbes getting in on the festive fun too!


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