Photo of Dr Megan Rossi in a silk top, looking at the camera with a neutral background

Transforming gut health around the globe

Dr Megan Rossi (PhD, RD) founded The Gut Health Doctor in 2017 with a dream to empower everyone to take control of their health. As a scientist and practising clinician, she became frustrated that the ground-breaking research from her team and other colleagues around the world wasn’t reaching the public. Instead, dangerous myths and fads shared online were negatively impacting on the wellbeing of her patients.

In 2019, Megan founded The Gut Health Clinic, leading a team of gut-specialist dietitians with virtual and face-to-face clinics in London and Manchester. She has also created the multi-award-winning gut health food brand Bio&Me to bridge the gap between science and the food industry. More recently, she founded SMART STRAINS®, a family of four clinically proven, condition-specific live bacteria products which challenges the current – and outdated – market offering using the right strain, at the right time, in the right way.

Our mission is to inspire and transform everyone’s gut health using the latest science. 

Photo of Dr Megan Rossi being presented with the British Nutrition Foundation award by HRH Princess Anne

Presented with the British Nutrition Foundation award by HRH Princess Anne. For those wondering about the bandage, Megan Rossi was involved in a kombucha-making incident resulting in 19 stitches.

Leading the way in gut research

From achieving a first-class honours in Dietetics to an award-winning PhD in gut health, Megan hasn’t rested in her quest to understand the link between our gut and our health. At the present time, as a leading Research Fellow at King’s College London since 2015, she continues to investigate nutrition-based therapies in gut health. This includes, prebiotics & probiotics, medical diets, plant-based diversity, food additives and personalised nutrition technologies. To date, she has received over £2.5 million in research funding. She has also published over 50 scientific papers in international, peer-reviewed journals.
Furthermore, in 2017, Megan was the recipient of the British Medical Journal prize. HRH Princess Anne presented her with the British Nutrition Foundation award.
The University of Queensland logo King British Nutrition Foundation logo BMJ logo
Montage of images from Dr Megan Rossi

Megan Rossi receiving 'Young Australian of the Year Living in the UK', alongside qualifying as a dietitian and her grandmother who died of bowel cancer.

A lifelong commitment to the gut

Megan enjoyed her childhood on a farm in rural Australia with the influences of an Italian father and a science-teaching mother. Above all, she cherished her wholesome and rugged upbringing, eating home-grown fruit and veggies.
In the final year of her dietetics degree, her beloved grandmother died from bowel cancer. Due to the heartache of this loss and the realisation of the significance of nutrition and the gut microbiome, Megan propelled herself into her ground-breaking research on the power of the gut.
Following this, Megan moved to the UK in 2015 to continue her gut health research. Subsequently, she received the ‘Young Australian of the Year Living in the UK’ Award by the Australian High Commissioner in 2020.
Dr Megan Rossi at her desk consulting a client

Establishing a clinic to offer personalised support

As a registered dietitian, Dr Megan Rossi’s (PhD, RD) foremost passion is to help people through personalised guidance. She saw that people were receiving nutrition advice that was not evidence-based, leading to suboptimal results and wanted to provide the high quality, results-driven service that people deserved.

In 2019, Megan brought together leading dietitians from King’s College to establish a London-based clinic for those suffering from issues in their gut and beyond. The Gut Health Clinic now offers support for all nutritional needs using the latest scientifically proven strategies — from food intolerances and allergies to weight management, mental health, women’s health & more.

Leading the live bacteria revolution

With an award-winning PhD in probiotics and frustrated by the gap between cutting-edge science and the misleading products on the market, Dr Megan Rossi (PhD, RD, APD) created SMART STRAINS®—a revolutionary approach to live bacterial supplements.

The idea that you need a daily live bacteria supplement for ‘general’ gut health is outdated. Just like you wouldn’t take an iron supplement for a vitamin D deficiency, a one-size-fits-all approach to gut health simply doesn’t make sense. Instead, SMART STRAINS is designed to give you the right strain at the right time, in the right way; it’s targeted support that works when you actually need it.

With this range, Dr Megan Rossi is changing how we think about and approach live bacteria supplements, bringing clarity, credibility, and science-led solutions back to this area.

Eat Yourself Healthy by Megan Rossi

Eat Yourself Healthy

Discover Dr Megan Rossi’s (PhD, RD) first book ‘Eat Yourself Healthy’ for evidence-based strategies and step-by-step guidance on how to overcome your gut health issues, from constipation and bloating to food intolerances and IBS.

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Ciara's transformation story

I suffered with gut issues for years following two major surgeries. I bought ‘Eat Yourself Healthy’ and haven’t looked back. Within a number of weeks my energy levels increased. I felt so much better within myself, my hair/skin had improved in strength, no gut pain or issues at all – to say I was ecstatic was an understatement!

Ceira - Lisburn, Northern Ireland

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