Dr Megan Rossi (PhD, RD) founded The Gut Health Doctor in 2017 with a dream to empower everyone to take control of their health. As a scientist and practising clinician, she became frustrated that the ground-breaking research from her team and other colleagues around the world wasn’t reaching the public. Instead, dangerous myths and fads shared online were negatively impacting on the wellbeing of her patients.
In 2019, Megan founded The Gut Health Clinic, leading a team of gut-specialist dietitians with virtual and face-to-face clinics in London and Manchester. She has also created the multi-award-winning gut health food brand Bio&Me to bridge the gap between science and the food industry. More recently, she founded SMART STRAINS®, a family of four clinically proven, condition-specific live bacteria products which challenges the current – and outdated – market offering using the right strain, at the right time, in the right way.
Our mission is to inspire and transform everyone’s gut health using the latest science.