Transformation stories

At The Gut Health Doctor our goal is to empower and inspire everyone to enjoy good gut health. We have created this page because we know just how motivating it is to hear others’ experiences.

Focusing on gut health and plant diversity can bring about very real and far-reaching benefits and so we are proud to share stories from our community, including those who have worked with The Gut Health Clinic for personalised specialist support. We hope this will not only empower you to bring about your own gut health transformation but to share your story to motivate others, too.

Megan Rossi sat on seat smiling

From our community

A photo of Rachael smiling, she has short brown hair and brown eyes


Cardiff, Wales

While I was at university, I lost my grandmother to cancer and was facing several other personal challenges. The stress quickly took a toll on my health, and almost overnight, it felt like IBS set in… A few years later, I stumbled across Dr Rossi’s book, Eat Yourself Healthy, and began following her on social media, keen to get as much advice as possible… Fast forward to now and I’m on top of my stress and I can finally enjoy a much more varied diet full of fibre, consistently reaching my 30 plants points a week target.

A photo of a woman with dark hair and sunglasses smiling. She's at the beach and the wind is blowing her hair.


Dundee, Scotland

For years, I struggled with stomach issues, including bloating and discomfort… Then I discovered Megan’s first book, and I can’t even begin to describe how much of a game-changer it’s been… As someone who deeply values gratitude, I felt it was important to share just how thankful I am for Megan’s work and all the incredible information she’s providing.

A photo of Susan, she has blonde hair and is smiling


Istanbul, Turkey

In late 2019, I began experiencing severe digestive issues that upended my life… Sceptical but desperate, I decided to try Dr Megan Rossi’s realistic, science-backed approach to gut health, which focused on adding diversity to my diet rather than unnecessary restrictions….. I’m so thankful to Dr Rossi and her team for busting myths and promoting evidence-based advice that has completely transformed my health.

A photo of Lauren smiling. She has brunette, curly, mid-length hair and is stood in front of a vast landscape of trees.


British Columbia, Canada

After being diagnosed with coeliac disease in 2017, my life turned upside down, and despite sticking to a gluten-free diet, my symptoms persisted… Everything shifted when I discovered Dr Megan Rossi on Instagram and bought her book, Love Your Gut… Dr Megan and her team have given me my life back, and I’m incredibly grateful for the work they do every day.

A photo of a man smiling, he is wearing sunglasses and a flannel shirt


Bristol, UK

A couple of years ago, I started experiencing tinnitus, which left me feeling constantly tired and irritable… Dr. Megan has reignited my love for cooking in a gut-loving way, and as a result, I’ve felt an immediate boost in my energy levels… I’m grateful to The Gut Health Doctor for the inspiration and support, and I wish more healthcare professionals recognised the powerful role that gut health and nutrition play in our overall well-being.

A photo of a blonde woman wearing glasses, she is smiling


London, UK

Despite my best efforts, my overall health was not where I wanted it to be… Everything changed when I discovered Megan’s books while researching gut health… By focusing on my gut health, I’ve strengthened my immune system and improved my overall well-being.

Rebecca & Sam

London, UK

Both of us had tried lots of different approaches over the years…Fast forward six months, two of Dr Megan’s recipe books and hundreds of plant points later, and both of us have seen a vast improvement in our gut health. For me, understanding the science behind my symptoms has enabled me to feel much more control over something that I felt powerless about for years…it has simplified food for us and made diet less of a daily obstacle course.

A photo of Claire, she's smiling and has blonde hair in a ponytail


New Zealand

I had a full hysterectomy when I was 35, which can exacerbate symptoms, but I’ve had bloating problems my whole life… so when I saw Dr Rossi’s Bloating Masterclass advertised I jumped at the chance to learn from an expert about how I could improve my symptoms… I would 100% recommend the masterclass to anyone suffering from bloating as the overall experience has been amazing.

A photo of Shelley smiling. She has brunette, mid-length hair and is wearing a striped top.


Leicestershire, UK

I experienced digestive issues including acid reflux, constant nausea and indigestion for about a decade and was diagnosed with IBS in 2017…From watching interviews with Megan, following her on social media and reading her book – her mantra ‘INclusion not EXclusion’ has really stuck with me…After increasing my plant points, I feel so much happier, I’m sleeping better and I’m thriving! It feels so good to be able to enjoy life again.

A photo of Julie. She has blue eyes and blonde hair and is smiling at the camera giving a thumbs up


Andalucia, Spain

For over 35 years I experienced gut issues ranging from IBS, diverticulitis and extreme bloating… I then came across Dr Megan online and bought her first book which I read from cover to cover and decided this was to become my go-to… I can happily say that at 65 I have never felt better thanks to Dr Megan.

A photo of David smiling, he has short hair and blue eyes


Gloucestershire, UK

I’ve had a long history of poor gut health… But with the help of Dr Megan Rossi’s free educational content, as well as the dietitians at The Gut Health Clinic, I’m staying in remission with next to no pain or bloating… Many thanks to The Gut Health Doctor for all your advice and support. 

A photo of Bernard smiling


New Forest, UK

Over the years, I’ve had several proctoscopies and 2 colonoscopies for rectal bleeding… By following The Gut Health Doctor, I’ve learnt about the importance of aiming to get 30 plant points a week… All in all, discovering The Gut Health Doctor and implementing the advice has allowed me to feel much more content in my day-to-day life!

An image of a brunette woman smiling


Bristol, UK

After having my baby, I felt the urge to ensure they had a fun eating journey… I honestly feel that eating isn’t just about putting food in your mouth, it is your overall experience with food and I really want it to be a pleasant one… When I came across The Gut Health Doctor at my local library the food recipes were so appealing to me… This has been an individual food journey as much as a family journey.

A photo of a man standing in a garden, he's wearing glasses and smiling


London, UK

I’d started getting bad bloating symptoms and was feeling really unhappy… I decided to attend Dr Rossi’s Bloating Masterclass… It was amazing. I learned so much!… Thanks to the guidance of the Bloating Tracker, I figured out my top four triggers… My symptoms have been improving ever since… I’m also feeling much calmer and in control of my health.

A black & white image of Alison smiling at the camera, she has short brown hair.


Yorkshire, UK

As I approached my 50’s I was feeling unhappy with my weight, energy and gut health… I discovered The Gut Health Doctor on Instagram, and this was quite an eye opener… As I ate more plant based foods my energy stopped dipping… I also slept better and the weight started to shift… Today at 53 I feel healthier, happier and more empowered than ever.

An image of Selwyn smiling. He's using a piece of gym equipment in the park.


North Buckinghamshire, UK

I am a recent retiree, and have collected my fair share of ailments along the way, a cocktail of obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a few stents to boot… The first conscious step I took was by almost accident — I came across Megan’s article and recipe for fermented wheaten bread and I’ve been eating it ever since… I’ve transformed my diet from “5 a day” to “30 a week,”… Thank you Dr Megan Rossi!

Photo of a blonde woman called Sharon


Chester, UK

After being diagnosed with an auto-immune disease six years ago I was advised to be on consistent, strong medication… I quickly realised that having a high diversity of plants and whole foods in my diet was one way in which I could improve my gut… Not only this, my sleep, energy levels and overall health have improved.

Photo of transformation story Sophie


Warwickshire, UK

During the COVID pandemic, my role in the NHS escalated and my reliance on convenience foods increased tenfold. I came across ‘Eat Yourself Healthy’ and became hooked. Everything made sense, as it taught me how my diet could be drastically impacting my physical and mental health. Using movement and The Gut Health Doctor’s approach of turning to a more diverse, plant-based lifestyle, my health changed drastically.

Image of a brunette woman, called Sharon, in her 40s looking at the camera and smiling


Kent, UK

I was unhappy with my weight, my blood pressure was high and I felt every one of my 47 years. I decided to fully embark on a plant-based diet and aimed to eat 30+ plant points per week… I am the healthiest and fittest I have ever been, I have buckets of energy and I no longer have high blood pressure. I feel great!


Scotland, UK

I was diagnosed with IBS a few years ago. I did an awful lot of reading and found that eating as many plants as I could, with a good diversity, could help my situation. Among others, I came across Megan’s first book… I really enjoy the 30-plant points per week exercise, and the first time I did it, I was surprised at how many different plants I was actually eating. Dr Megan Rossi has really opened my eyes to the power of gut health.


Rothwell, UK

I have struggled with my health since my mid-30s with various issues, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and IBS. My daughter recently sent me Dr Megan’s books, well… I feel transformed in only a few months. I have made lots of recipes from the books and The Gut Health Doctor website. I tell everyone about Dr Megan’s books. I won’t lend mine out, though. I use them too often!

Woman smiling


Athens, Greece

Shortly after my parathyroid surgery, I was diagnosed with silent reflux… My dietary journey led me to learn about gut health, the microbiome, and how vital it is as the basis for good general health. After about 6 weeks of eating… I felt more energised. I was sleeping better, and my reflux symptoms were virtually non existent… I look and feel strong, healthy and better than I expected to be at close to 60!

Photo of Julie from Manchester


Manchester, England

I was diagnosed with silent reflux about 6 years ago after several years of frightening incidents. I went on an exclusively wholefoods, plant-based diet last January and successfully came off my prescribed medication. With resources provided by The Gut Health Doctor, I am really happy to have brought my condition under control without replying on drugs. Hurray for plants!


East Surrey, England

A shock diagnosis of gestational diabetes at 30 terrified me. I have read and researched gut health including reading Dr Megan Rossi’s books and I started actively cooking from scratch fibre rich plant-based meals. I have recently had blood work done and everything is in top order. I am feeling the best I have ever felt… !


Surrey, England

I’m 68 and after a life of being relatively healthy, it was a bit of a shock to have a heart attack. My daughter immediately got me an appointment at The Gut Health Clinic and ordered me one of Dr Megan Rossi’s books. My eating is completely different now and I am developing a new respect for what can be created using healthy ingredients.


Kent, England

I started to have various joint weakness, inflammation issues and was very low in iron. I got ‘Eat More, Live Well’… The majority of my meals are now recipes from the book. Within 6 weeks my energy levels started to improve. I have been astonished at how much I have learned during this process.


Lisburn, Northern Ireland

I suffered with gut issues for years following two major surgeries. I bought ‘Eat Yourself Healthy’ and haven’t looked back. Within a number of weeks my energy levels increased. I felt so much better within myself, my hair/skin had improved in strength, no gut pain or issues at all – to say I was ecstatic was an understatement!


Stockholm, Sweden

In 2018, I became the illest I’ve ever been. My mouth turned white, I had mouth ulcers, lost lots of weight and had no energy. I stumbled across Dr Megan Rossi’s Instagram and read up on IBS and IBD. Two weeks into trying the plant focused diet my symptoms significantly improved. This has given me a whole new perspective that has changed my life.


London, England

As a chef, I was always feeding others and ensuring they had the most wonderful meal experience, but I didn’t take the time to ensure I was looked after, too… In 2019, I gave up my beloved career to concentrate on myself and find a better life balance. Thanks to Dr Megan Rossi’s blogs, books and online resources, I have transformed my bowel habits…I am no longer constipated or running to the toilet…I feel free and happy again.

Share your story

Has improving your gut health transformed any aspects of your body or life? Has eating a more diverse range of plants changed your physical or emotional well-being? If so, we’d love to hear from you. If your story is published and you live in mainland UK, you’ll receive a free gut-loving Bio&Me food bundle to celebrate your achievements and to thank you for helping to inspire others! If you live outside of mainland UK, we can look at an alternative gift for you.

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