Introducing SMART STRAINS®

The idea that you need a daily live bacteria supplement to support your ‘general’ gut health sounds good, but it’s outdated. Just like you wouldn’t take an iron supplement to treat a vitamin D deficiency, why would you treat your gut with a generic supplement that doesn’t address your needs?

Frustrated by the disconnect between the latest science and the misleading options available, Dr Megan Rossi (PhD, RD, APD) developed SMART STRAINS® to revolutionise how people understand and use live bacterial supplements. Through this game-changing range, she is empowering everyone to care for themselves and their families, providing the right strain, at the right time, in the right way – and only when you need it.

With an award-winning PhD in probiotics and a family of products that use only the strains backed by international health bodies, Dr Megan Rossi is bringing credibility and clarity back to live bacterial supplements.

Meet the family

SMART STRAINS® is made up of four clinically-proven live bacteria formulations, with clean labelling: for when you’re on antibiotics, for your immune system, for fussy babies, and for your vaginal microbiome. Each offers targeted support, one strain at a time, exactly when you need it.

SMART STRAINS® is now available online and at all Tesco Pharmacies and Amazon.

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