The idea that you need a daily live bacteria supplement to support your ‘general’ gut health sounds good, but it’s outdated. Just like you wouldn’t take an iron supplement to treat a vitamin D deficiency, why would you treat your gut with a generic supplement that doesn’t address your needs?
Frustrated by the disconnect between the latest science and the misleading options available, Dr Megan Rossi (PhD, RD, APD) developed SMART STRAINS® to revolutionise how people understand and use live bacterial supplements. Through this game-changing range, she is empowering everyone to care for themselves and their families, providing the right strain, at the right time, in the right way – and only when you need it.
With an award-winning PhD in probiotics and a family of products that use only the strains backed by international health bodies, Dr Megan Rossi is bringing credibility and clarity back to live bacterial supplements.