The power of nature

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By The Gut Health Doctor Team

Dr Megan Rossi in a lab looking through a microscope

A science-backed way to lower our stress levels and even strengthen our immune systems!

There’s something about being out in nature that makes everything seem better, how about you guys?


Well, it’s not just us! Studies show…

– Just a couple of hours walking in forests has been shown to reduce elevated blood pressure and heart rate, as well as feelings of anxiety and stress.

– Being in nature, breathing in the forest air and playing in the dirt gets us up close and personal with more ‘good’ microbes increasing the diversity of our gut microbes – and this diversity is considered the key marker of good gut health.

– Exposure to the dirt and bacteria when we’re young is thought to be super important for reducing risk of allergies and autoimmune conditions and supporting our immune system. It’s what we call the ‘hygiene hypothesis’ – so don’t be afraid to get a little dirty!

If you can, take some time out every day to go outside and move your body and let me know how you feel. Anecdotally it works wonders for me!


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