
Rothwell, UK

I am 62 years old. I have struggled with my health since my mid-30s with various issues, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I had a defibrillator fitted after suffering a major heart attack in my 40s. I have a pituitary brain tumour and various other illnesses, not to mention IBS. I’ve tried so many different health trends over the years—you name it! I have lost count of how many. In fact, I had given up because I hadn’t found something that worked for me.

Until recently, when my daughter sent me Dr Megan Rossi’s books, well… what can I say? I feel transformed in only a few months. I have made lots of recipes from the books and The Gut Health Doctor website. I have made kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, etc.; they are surprisingly easy to make. I don’t suffer nearly as much with tummy issues as I used to. I’ve even lost a few pounds and I’m thrilled to bits.

My partner, Steve, has had his gallbladder out and has still had problems with indigestion and acid reflux. I convinced him to try kefir. He thinks it’s amazing. I can’t believe he eats it on a regular basis; he’s a Yorkshireman who is more comfortable with a cheese sarnie and is so sceptical about these things! He’s even taken milk kefir grains to the pub for his friends to try. I have promised scobys to my neighbours too!

I tell everyone about Dr Megan. Rossi’s books. I won’t lend mine out, though. I use them too often!

Thank you so much. Truly. I follow The Gut Health Doctor on Facebook, so I don’t miss a thing!

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