Have you ever heard that cutting out certain foods is the key to optimal gut health? Gluten, dairy, and sugar have all been in the spotlight of restrictive trends over the years. But for most of us, restriction isn’t the answer—your gut microbes thrive on variety, after all.
When it comes to managing certain food intolerances, though a restrictive approach might be even more tempting and historically even recommended, especially if you’re dealing with uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, cramps, or diarrhoea. But here’s the good news: for certain types, such as lactose intolerance, with a few science-backed strategies, most people don’t need to eliminate them entirely.
Let’s explore the important differences between allergies and intolerance, and how to identify lactose intolerance with our simple at-home testing protocol. Most importantly, find out how you can still have your (lactose-containing) cake and eat it too.