Good gut health… where do you start?

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By The Gut Health Doctor Team

Dr Megan Rossi in a lab looking through a microscope

If you feel like you’re being bombarded with misleading info and faddy diet claims right now (hello, January…), or are just wanting to maximise your gut, and overall, health – this guide is for you!


Here are my top two tips for looking after your gut health… get my (free!) guide with the full top 10 when you sign up for the Inner Community Newsletter.


Even if you try just these two things and nothing else, you and your gut microbes are in for a healthy and happy relationship!


1. Fill up on FIBRE.

In a world obsessed with protein, I am here to fly the flag of fibre as the Holy Grail of nutrients.


Fibre is your gut microbes’ favourite food – think of it as Mother Nature’s gift to

your gut. In turn, keeping your gut microbes well-fed and happy will also benefit just about every organ in your body, including your heart, mind and skin health.


2. Switch up your shopping basket.

When it comes to a gut-loving diet, diversity is key.

How diverse is diverse? I recommend aiming for 30 plant points – that’s 30 different plant-based foods across all your plant-based food groups – on your plate every week

With each meal, think about how you can mix it up and what you can ‘add in’ – simple supermarket swaps make a big difference!

  • Sprinkle mixed seeds and nut butter onto your morning porridge along with
  • your apple and cinnamon
  • Go for the mixed stir-fry pack instead of just broccoli
  • Grab all the colours of peppers instead of just the red
  • Experiment with new wholegrains (ever tried freekeh?)
  • Add some tinned mixed beans to your pasta sauce


Make 2021 the year of enjoying good gut health. Did I mention 70% of your immune system lives in your gut too?


For exclusive gut-education, gut-loving recipes and resources join our Inner Community members hub!


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