Illustration that reflects surgery and cancer dietitian


Oncology & surgery

Enhancing your nutritional status will ensure that your body is in the best place to optimise cancer treatment success, manage treatment side effects and recover post surgery.

Cancer or its treatment can cause digestive issues including constipation, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, sickness and sometimes a blocked bowel. Other common treatment side effects include taste changes, difficulty swallowing, a sore or dry mouth and poor appetite. All these symptoms can make eating and drinking difficult and lead to weight loss or nutritional deficiencies.

We have expert cancer dietitian experts who can help you manage unpleasant side effects of treatment, optimise your nutritional status to support your immune system through or after treatment, and understand the evidence behind common myths around cancer and diet. Although it’s important to note nutrition cannot cure cancer.

As well as a range of different cancers, our cancer dietitian experts are also highly experienced with complex gastrointestinal cancers where nutritional status can be greatly impacted. We are able to assess, diagnose and assist in the management of pancreatic enzyme insufficiency, dumping syndrome, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and bile acid diarrhoea as well as provide support for those living with a stoma.

Many individuals will also require surgery to help manage their gut condition, this might be for reflux, IBD, gut or gynaecological cancers.

We can support you by optimising you for surgery, manage any nutritional issues related to your surgery, advise on specialist diets, nutritional deficiencies, and help you navigate any stoma related issues, so get in touch if you’d like to book a consultation!

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