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4 .50 Plant Points
Homemade fermented kimchi
7 + Plant Points
Microbe-nourishing very berry kefir smoothie
17 Plant Points
Gut-loving one-pan wonder
6 + Plant Points
No-bake gut:skin loving brownies
4 .50 Plant Points
Prebiotic-packed chocolate & hazelnut tart
4.25 Plant Points
Antioxidant-packed chocolate covered stuffed figs
10 + Plant Points
No added sugar trail mix loaf cake with optional chocolatey glaze
7.25 Plant Points
No added sugar carrot cake cookies
7 .50 Plant Points
Fibre-filled wholewheat & bean flatbread pizza
4 Plant Points
Popcorn 3 ways
9 Plant Points
Protein-loaded pumpkin soup
10 .50 Plant Points